In about 1980, a Boy Scout leader named Ed Reyes developed a Bible based, Christ centered program called the Sentry Program.  Mr. Reyes combined the basic learning skills, survival skills and patriotism with Biblical teachings and attributes of Christ.  Hundreds of youth from 4  to 14 years of age have participated in the program and have been called a “Sentry”.

In 2011, Tower Road Baptist Church adapted a simplified version of the Sentry Program.  It has been a very enjoyable venture.  Natalie Jaramillo designed a customized T-shirt in which the youth can earn by attending three consecutive Wednesday meetings.  Awards (in the form of buttons) for first aid, fire safety, knot tying etc., can be earned and displayed on a black sash.

The Sentry meeting begins with the youth lining up on designated lines within the gym. Pledges to the American Flag, Christian Flag and Bible are then recited.  To encourage the Sentries to wear their T-shirts, the ones wearing their shirts get to line up around a painted circle on the gym floor.  A spinner is placed at the center of the circle and spun.  The boy or girl it points to  can then choose an item from the “gift bag”.  The remaining Sentries then line up around the circle and have a  time of prayer.  Each Sentry is encouraged to add their own special prayer request during the prayer time.  After a few songs, the Sentries are taught a short devotion, work on requirements, have refreshments and a play time.

On the third Wednesday of each month, the Sentry group will meet in the main auditorium to receive their awards, sing or perform a skit.

Thank you Sentry leaders and parents for allowing your children to be part of the Sentry Program !